Your Portable Laundry Solution!

The Washing Wand!

The Washing Wand!

When you live in an RV, life becomes more intense. The simple details of life grow really quickly into big hairy deals.

One such big hairy deal: Laundry.

I have no in-house laundry apparatus, and so if I’m parked at any great distance from a laundromat, what I’ve been doing is strapping it to my scooter.

Except that my scooter’s been out of service since February, which leaves me to get more creative.

Some things I have tried include:

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a) asking to go along when a friend does hers and has access to her neighbor’s car, and then dropping everything so that I'm available when she goes (you may have seen that post a while back)

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b) asking the neighbor to use their laundry, and ending up having them throw a few of my clothes in with theirs

c) “washing” blankets by soaking them overnight in a rubbermaid bin, and trying to wring them out with my feet like a medieval wine stomper- #coldbrewlaundry totally works, right? (a hint - it really doesn't)

and finally -

d) going full-on pioneer woman after procuring a “washing wand” from the internet and picking it up by bike at an amazon locker, and hand washing all my damn laundry in the rubbermaid bin, AND THIS SHIT IS AWESOME let me tell you I am never going back to the laundromat. Plus I get exercise and sunlight and I’ve always loved line-drying my laundry. Who knew that laundry freedom was a thing!? I’m here to tell you that it can be. This washing wand feels like freedom.

And it’s a great illustration of how you can create a feeling (like freedom, or adventure, or love, or whatever) in any place of your life with a little creative trial and error ♥
